Saturday’s Food Court Grand Re-Opening at Eastgate Square featuring six of the Big Brother Canada Houseguests was a great success. The Big Brother Canada Houseguests from Season Three, Bobby Hlad, Bruno Ielo, Godfrey Mangwiza, Naeha Sareen, Sindy Nguyen, and Sarah Hanlon, were partnered with six local media celebrities, Aiko Iwashita, Lisa Hepfner, Dave Comeau, Jeff Mahoney, Marc Skulnick, and Mike Pearson, in four timed food and fashion challenges. The first place winning team was Big Brother Season three contestant Bobby Hlad and Aiko Iwashita, 102.9 KLite media personality. They presented a cheque in the amount of $1,000 from Bricon Construction to the Salvation Army Food Bank, and a $1,000 cheque on behalf of the Eastgate Square Merchants to Hamilton Food Share.